I would love to catch up with Liz, Julie, Avi, et al and meet cool people like Gus, but I am too burnt out from 11 days in Europe at BarCamp Amsterdam, DrupalCon Amsterdam 2005 and Euro OSCON. Instead I will hang with the family (which believe it or not is even more fun than hanging with the geeks :-) !) and watch vicariously. Please podcast, videoblog and blog the conference!

From Mind Camp | About.:


  • What: A weekend, 24-hour, multi-track event. Think huge space with breakout rooms, broadband Wi-Fi, projectors, white boards - and you.
  • Who: 150 of Seattle's forward thinkers: techies, entrepreneurs, executives, gamers, artists, and anyone else with a great idea.
  • When: Mind Camp will take place on November 5-6
  • Why: Why not?


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