Canadian Election 2006 Election blogging live from Library Square Pub
I'll be there at 7:30p.m.ish and if I have cellular connectivity and the gods :-) of Shozu and are smiling at me, I will do some live 1 minute video blog segments with my Nokia 7610 before the election results are in and after say at 8:30ish (mmm post stamp video yummy NOT, can't wait until I get a phone with a better video mode like an N70 or N91 later this year).See you there (RSVP to Darren via a comment or on upcoming).
From Drown Your Election Sorrows at the Library Square Public House | Darren Barefoot.:
Last week, I suggested that we have a little get-together to watch the election. After careful consideration, we're going to meet at the Library Square Public House. Here are the details:
Library Square Public House
300 West Georgia St.
7:30pm onwards