And it's just as functional (or dysfunctional :-) !) as any other community out there based on my observation of the Drupal community. Speaking of the Drupal Community, about 100 of its developers and users and those in between (like myself since I am no longer a developer) will be at the Open Source CMS and Blog Tool Summit Feb 7-9, 2006 and I believe we will actually talk about community in one of the sessions.

From Open-Source Whatever.:


Over at O'Reilly, John Mark Walker writes There Is No Open Source Community, and Nicholas Carr, who enjoys decrying, well, anything popular, chimes in with The Amorality of Open Source. They both paint a picture of misguided innocents who believe in some starry-eyed vision of post-capitalist intellectual collectivism, but are actually pawns in the hands of larger economic forces. They're both really wrong.


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