ShoZu 2.5 is even better than previous versions (not perfect yet, e.g. need the ability to reply to flickr comments and the address book feature is irrelevant to Mac users; that’s what iSync is for!). If you have a cameraphone and an unlimited data plan, then you need ShoZu. After uploading 2500 photos with ShoZu, I can honestly say that if ShoZu doesn’t run on your phone then you bought the wrong one! I personally can’t recommend any camera phone that doesn’t work with ShoZu.

From Shozu now shows more features.:


Not satisfied? Neither were the Shozu developers. That's why they added the one additional feature that makes this application worth at least fifty bucks a copy in my opinion: you can back up your address book to your Shozu account and retrieve it should your phone get lost or stolen or simply upload it when you replace your phone. Gone are the miserable days of transferring your address book entries one by one. Good by arthritis, hello Shozu. And if that doesn't sell you on the application, which, as you can see I like an awful lot, it can only mean one of two things; either you're trying to build a competitive application or you don't have a camera phone. In either case it's your tough luck.


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