Mobile Monday Vancouver: Multimedia and User-Generated Content is tonight!
Due to a babysitting snafu (which is entirely my fault), I won't be able to make tonight's Mobile Monday Vancouver! No matter, I am sure they will do fine without me. I hear over 20 are registered. It's free! All you have to is register (the event is on as well but you need to register) Could somebody please blog, podcast and videoblog tonight's event for those who can't attend? See you at the next MoMoVan!
Date: June 5, 2006. 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Marmalade Kitchen & Bar, 3 - 1010 Beach Avenue
As 3G phones and networks start to penetrate into the existing 2G user base, the shift for data hungry services and broadband opportunities are now at the tipping point for all kinds of new opportunities on mobile.
This month Mobile Monday discusses the opportunities for multimedia services within the mobile Vancouver community. We will have 4 speakers followed by a panel to discuss different aspects of multimedia with mobile devices.
* McLean Mashingaidze-Greaves - Founder and President, The Nimble Company
* Jim Fawcett - President, Exponentia
* Patrick Payne - Founder and President MoPhone
* William Mutual - Chair, ComVu
* Caroline Lewko - Founder and President Wireless Industry Partnership and Chair, WINBC
Please register to attend this month’s event (registration via WINBC)
Note: there is plenty of parking available at the Aquatic Centre.