- We use them every day: programmes, designers, etc have them
- Windows 98 had 9 displays because of Brady Bunch according to Tony
- bezels and things between provide means of organizing
- What happens when we have large displays where we didn't have them before?
- Large displays can change the way we work with computers and people
- Shadow Reaching:
- The computer sees us as 1 eye with a finger, mouse pointer i.e. x-y coordinate, not the rich way we interact with people
- embody users in large displays
- we've interacted with shadows our entire lives
- so that can help us
- use our entire body as interaction mechanism
- What if we had cameras that can figure out where our hands are (touch and drag demo)
- Problems: too large, can't reach etc.
- So instead, follow shadow around
- More fluid
- can also use rendered shadows instead of physical shadows
- Surface Affordances:
- what are large displays good for?
- We do use large displays aka "surfaces": whiteboards, flip charts, etc
- Observed teams of engineers using these surfaces
- Surfaces have to manage info, visibiliity and info-suface coupling
- management - how easy to group
- easy on whiteboard
- not easy to add all info
- visibility:
- horizontal vs. vertical
- what if screen was on table instead of at front of room
- coupling:
- how easy is it to manipulate info independent of surface
- e.g. you can tear flip chart, and move elsewhere, so less coupled than whiteboard info
- the problem is not how to build but
- Really understanding useful apps and how can we use them to work together
- On table top displays, reaching is still a problem
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