I am unencumbered by knowledge when it comes to R-UIMs on CDMA phones. Are they really the CDMA equivalent of SIM cards (which allow people to switch phones).? If so, it seems logical (but unfortunately nothing is logical in the 'krazy' world of the mobile bandwidth oligopoly) to make their use mandatory and to make R-UIMs work across different Canadian CDMA carriers so people can switch carriers just as easily as they can switch numbers. Have any other CDMA carriers around the world done this? I'm guessing no and I'm guessing this is yet another reason why CDMA will continue to lose market share world wide.

FROM Telecom Trends: Looking forward to Videotron wireless:


A new entrant on this market would be a nice thing. But beside a 4th entrant, maybe the CRTC should mandate first the Bell, Telus, Virgin Mobile and other CDMA operators to let customers port their CDMA handset. So that to really complement the MNP of March 14th.I find this situation where to benefit from the services of one operator you have to buy "one of his phones" and you can't use he same phone on another CDMA network. The case with Virgin Mobile which operate on the physical infrastructure of Bell doesn't allow one to buy say a CDMA smartphone from Bell and activate it with Virgin Mobile is abusing for me. I am used to the european market and maybe porting CDMA phones from one operator to another is by far an efficient way to bring competition and innovation in this market. R-UIM technology have been around for years but operators still hold back the customer's freedom to choose the best offer. I don't see where a customer will benefit from a 4th operator.


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