[Cross posted from the Bryght event calendar

Start: 2007/05/24 - 5:30pm End: 2007/05/24 - 7:30pm

Location: WorkSpace 21 Water Street Suite 400, Gastown, Vancouver

DemoCamp Vancouver01 is going to rock on May 24th. Love the idea of opening it up to non tech people as well as having both planned and "day of" presentations.

From the DemoCamp Vancouver01 page:

<blockquote><ul><li> 30 minutes of meeting other attendees</li><li>Presentations start at 6:00pm & run through until 6:30pm</li><li>MC picks "night of" selections</li><li>We will have 4 x 6 minute talks (time limit enforced, includes feedback time!)</li><li>2 scheduled talks</li><li>2 "night of" selections</li><li>MC runs Speed pitching - 3 x 30sec pitches</li><li>Wrap up/discussion/hang out until 7:30pm</li><li>Party moves to Six Acres (bar accross the street)</li></ul> Please contact democampvancouver@googlegroups.com with your demo proposal or post suggestions here.
</blockquote>END QUOTE

More details from the DemoCampVancouver  Wiki page:

<blockquote><p>What is DemoCamp Vancouver All about?</p><p> Unlike other iterations of DemoCamp, the Vancouver event covers all industries. Idea people will be presenting innovations on all things ranging from business to charity, high-technology to high-art. The purpose is to encourage a cross-pollination of industries and individuals in hopes that people engaged in unrelated endeavors might provide an enlightening perspective on the presenters concept. There is strength in diversity!</p><p> Yes, that's right, we're redefining "Demo", but at the same time, showing a connection between all the bright people across Canada and beyond who are gathering to share cool ideas.</p><p> The Idea is your Demo
Your concept or idea should be developed enough to support a three minute presentation, but it is not necessary to have a working model to "demo" … it's the idea that's important! There are three minutes for delivery and three minutes for discussion. The time limit is strict so if you take two and a half minutes to setup your laptop, you only get thirty seconds to present. (the gong hath no mercy).</p><p> Submitting your Presentation
There are two ways! In advance via e-mail or posting to the wiki. Two submissions will be selected by the organizers.</p><p> or…</p><p> The day of by writing your idea (in one brief sentence) on the wall. Attendees will then choose the two most appealing subjects for presentation.</p><p> Your Feedback
The purpose is not simply to provide critical feedback but also encouragement to the innovators with the courage to get up there. Discuss, ask questions, find the holes, find the strengths…make the ideas better!</p><p> Follow Up
Ideas are good but made great by their implementation. Abstract, theoretical discussion is encouraged but we hope that people will bring concepts to fruition.</p><p> Location: First DemoCampVancouver01 event is going to be at WorkSpace (http://abetterplacetowork.com/contact).</p>

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