Assuming of course that the N95-3's increased RAM allows me to finally run ShoZu without memory problems (I can easily crash ShoZu on any S60 simply by following the "Roland Shozu Challenge" - turn on "Auto send" and rapidly take 50 or pictures. This leads to the infamous S60 error message: "Not enough memory to complete operation" and an eventual ShoZu crash). You gotta be "crafty" to use the N95-3 because the user interface is far from intuitive but if you can master it and overcome the S60 memory issues (fingers crossed that the N95-3 solves it), it's an amazing mobile multi-media creation machine (in other words I agree with ThoughtFix (with the proviso that in 2007 I'd also carry an iPhone for mobile Safari and a superior voice call experience)!).

From by ThoughtFix: Nokia's Dream Team for Web 2.0: N810 and N95: <p>QUOTE</p> <blockquote> Is this the blogger's dream team? For this blogger: Yes. A Nokia N95 can capture the photos and video as it happens, then either upload it directly or share an Internet connection with the N810. On the N810, posts can be written formatted, edited, annotated, and published. I wish I had one of these at CES. I may next year. </blockquote> <p>END QUOTE</p>

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