I need 2 SIM Cards: 1 for N95 and 1 for iPhone
I need 2 Phone numbers and 2 SIM cards, one for the N95 (which is currently SIM-less but I sure do miss 3rd party programs like ShoZu and Qik (e.g. it was alot of fun to Qik the Farmers Market on Dec 22 in real time and have people sending me comments asking about kolrabi and blueberry honey :-) !) happening in real time over the cell network instead of delayed until I get to a WiFi hotspot) and one for the iPhone (which I love for its ease especially for texting and fantastic web browser). My hope is that Rogers introduces a decent all you can eat (well 1-2 GB or less for less than $75 a month) when they give in to the inevitable and introduce the iPhone in Canada.