Maura Rodgers on her Rogers N95 8GB NAM and S60 - S60 Ambassadors Video
Marketing maven and startup veteran and co-founder of Strutta, Maura Rodgers, on her Rogers N95 8GB NAM and S60
S60 Positives
- 1st reaction - "wow" "multimedia machine"
- Love being able to upload photos directly to flickr (presumably from Camera App) - allows her to upload photos directlyt
- Loves to connect to internet via laptop via her Rogers N95 8GB NAM
- Overall 1st impression - great
- Great for taking videos at Launch Party Vancouver and other events and Strutta videos
- High quality video
- It really is a multimedia computer
S60 Not so Positive
- Usability not great!
- iPhone user interface in comparison is awesome
- Too many clicks to get what you want
- Doesn't like the apps popping up without intervention e.g. Fring pops up when IM comes in
- Nested menus hard to comprehend
- Found it difficult to change ringtones coming from a BlackBerry
- Battery dies quickly
- Maura again hasn't heard of OVI (to repeat yet again, not suprising since Nokia OVI marketing is zero in Canada)
Here's the video: