Marketing maven and startup veteran and co-founder of Strutta, Maura Rodgers, on her Rogers N95 8GB NAM and S60

S60 Positives

  1. 1st reaction - "wow" "multimedia machine"
  2. Love being able to upload photos directly to flickr (presumably from Camera App) - allows her to upload photos directlyt
  3. Loves to connect to internet via laptop via her Rogers N95 8GB NAM
  4. Overall 1st impression - great
  5. Great for taking videos at Launch Party Vancouver and other events and Strutta videos
  6. High quality video
  7. It really is a multimedia computer

S60 Not so Positive

  1. Usability not great!
  2. iPhone user interface in comparison is awesome
  3. Too many clicks to get what you want
  4. Doesn't like the apps popping up without intervention e.g. Fring pops up when IM comes in
  5. Nested menus hard to comprehend
  6. Found it difficult to change ringtones coming from a BlackBerry
  7. Battery dies quickly
  8. Maura again hasn't heard of OVI (to repeat yet again, not suprising since Nokia OVI marketing is zero in Canada)

Here's the video:


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