Ordered my 16GB iPhone 3G today from Fido, will receive it in August
Like Richard, I just added the $30/month 3G data plan to my existing Fido plan. So it should be cheaper (and faster) than the $50/month I pay for my current grandfathered unlimited EDGE data plan. If the SIM isn't locked, I am thinking about buying an unlocked N95 8G NAM because the camera on the iPhone s*cks (but the 3G lifestyle (it's great! thanks to iPhone 3G I can now tell people about ShoZu and other apps I have been enjoying with my "2.5G" lifestyle and how you can create multimedia content in real time, post it immediately to the internet and get feedback in real-time) of always-on geo-enabled consumption and creation, usability and ecosystem of iPhone apps is far superior to what Nokia and others have done! Nokia, you blew it, this could have and should have been been your market to run away with). Luckily it's early and not too late to win in mobile in the long term but unless S60 usability is improved it's not going to happen!.
And for the record, Rogers still s*cks and so does Fido:
- Their website is inaccurate; existing Fido customers should just call 611 to get an iPhone 3G
- The hiring of MS&L digital was a waste of money (despite their blog practice, BlogWorks, MS&L did the non social media aware thing of emailing people and didn't blog, twitter, flickr, facebook or in any way engage social media)
- 3 year contracts s*ck; in 2010 I bet I could easily go over 6GB/month. There's no reason other than short term economic gain which in the long run hurts the entire Canadian economy by hampering innovation and experimentation and reducing productivity.
- Giving priority to new Fido customers over old faithful Fido customers like myself who have been paying $100/month since July 2004 is unacceptable. Why should I have to wait for my iPhone unlike new customers? Why can't I go to the Fido store like new customers and order it there rather than being forced to order over the phone?