iPhone 3G arrives - google reader faster, browser crashes, camera s*cks, apps are great but limited by Apple's SDK and p*ranoia
Got the 16GB iPhone yesterday. Stream of consciousness notes so far:
- Just like the original iPhone, ithe iPhone 3G still camera s*cks and not having video also s*cks! A slow, 2 megapixel camera doesn't cut it in 2008!
- Does seem a bit lighter and battery is faster
- 3G doesn't seem that much faster than EDGE
- Browser crashes more often
- Google Reader is noticeably fasterĀ
- ShoZu doesn't geo-tag and only posts one photo at a time and only at 640x480 (yes i know shozu is working on it! go ShoZu go!)
- AirMe is better but only does 1024x768 and rquires bogus userid registration (complete with bogus personal questions)
- Apps are great; I have already thought of some that would satisfy Apple's p*ranoia :-) and might be fun to develop and might even make money! Apps are great both because of Apple's p*ranoia and also despite it! A "mass market, mobile GPS with decent connectivity and bandwidth" platform is what the iPhone is; the first ever. Sorry Nokia you don't have such a platform (S60 isn't it, Maemo isn't it, S60 Python isn't it, Widsets isn't it, Flash Lite isn't, etc,, time to focus Nokia!) yet. Vive la competition; I trust Nokia has something in the works; it's been a year and either the Nokia cupboard is bare or they are going to launch something truly great soon.
- I am waiting for Qik (aka live video streaming) and Nokia Sports Tracker
- I like Tap Tap whatever it's called even though it's dumbed down from the unofficial SDK version
Now all I need is a North American 3G phone to confirm 100% that my 3G plan is not locked to my iPhone.