20080824-28- Transport Hero Camp

Karen and Paul organized Transport Hero Camp today; a BarCamp for public and the youth delegates from the Youth Summit on Sustainabile Urban Transportation / CUTA / ACTU .

For Transport HeroCamp today 1:30-4:45p.m.! shot-2008-08-24-09-45-31 Transport HeroCamp - shot-2008-08-24-13-11-23 Transport HeroCamp - shot-2008-08-24-14-45-32 Transport HeroCamp - shot-2008-08-24-15-03-33 Transport HeroCamp - shot-2008-08-24-15-09-02 u

Random observations (some of which you can see in image format above):

  • As a national event, it would have been great to have simultaneous English/French translation.
  • Paul and Karen did a great thing (they made the difficult look impossible); this was an excellent gathering with savvy youth!
  • I am still energized by Gil Penalosa's presentation last Wed (my 10 minute N95 video which is embedded below) to go beyond baby steps in bicycling. How's this for a non-baby step? Bike sharing and secure bike parking at every major transit node in every metropolitan city in Canada (Metro Vancouver, Calgary, Monrtreal, Toronto, Ottwaw, Hamliton, etc!
  • Can I vote for Paul! Oops I can't because he is running in Surrey!
  • Open Source Bike Sharing?!? why does it have to be monolithic? why does it have to be funded by ads?

10 minutes of Gil Peñalosa's presentation

http://blip.tv/file/1191401 (for those who can’t see the flash video player embedded below)


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