Transport Hero Camp Redux 2008
Karen and Paul organized Transport Hero Camp today; a BarCamp for public and the youth delegates from the Youth Summit on Sustainabile Urban Transportation / CUTA / ACTU .
Random observations (some of which you can see in image format above):
- As a national event, it would have been great to have simultaneous English/French translation.
- Paul and Karen did a great thing (they made the difficult look impossible); this was an excellent gathering with savvy youth!
- I am still energized by Gil Penalosa's presentation last Wed (my 10 minute N95 video which is embedded below) to go beyond baby steps in bicycling. How's this for a non-baby step? Bike sharing and secure bike parking at every major transit node in every metropolitan city in Canada (Metro Vancouver, Calgary, Monrtreal, Toronto, Ottwaw, Hamliton, etc!
- Can I vote for Paul! Oops I can't because he is running in Surrey!
- Open Source Bike Sharing?!? why does it have to be monolithic? why does it have to be funded by ads?
10 minutes of Gil Peñalosa's presentation (for those who can’t see the flash video player embedded below)