Stop whingeing about how you used to take great photos w/your DSLR but are now mired in a morass of bad cameraphone photos - get a cheap point & shoot and an Eye-Fi card & you will have great photos again w/out the DSLR weight
There are countless geeky, nerdy, folks in late 2012 "whingeing" :-) about
- how they used to take great DSLR photos but it was too heavy & inconvenient to post photos,
- so they switched to a cameraphone
- but are tired of its bad photos.
Simple solution:
- buy a $150 dollar point and shoot like the Canon Powershot A2400 which you can get for $70 (or a $200 Olympus E-PL1 or EPM-1 with the Olympus bodycap lens for $59 if you want something even more awesome for $260 instead of $150 or less),
- a $99 Eye-Fi card.
- Carry the camera in your pocket at all times.
- Post photos from the Eye-Fi via your cameraphone's WIFI access point
This makes it convenient and quick like your cameraphone but gives you much better image quality that doesn't require filters of doom to make the photos "interesting"!