How to use bash to operate on groups of files using GraphicsMagick?
If you want to operate on 9600 1 pixel by 1 pixel files at a time to form HD-width frames (i.e. 1920px wide) with GraphicsMagick (1920 pixels per row *5rows = 9600), here’s a bash script:
files=(*.jpg )
for ((i=0; i<${#files[*]}; i+=9600)); do
let “frame++”
gm montage -verbose -tile 1920x5 +frame +shadow +label \
-geometry 1x1+0+0 “${files[@]:i:9600}”\
`printf “frame-%5.5u.png” “$frame”`
- Why not just do this with ruby? Because bash is lighter weight
- Why do so few and split up into “frames”? Because graphicsmagick takes up lots of memory and runs slowly when you try to do all files in 1 big command line invocation.