Instagram Vancouver 2014 arranged by top colour count with 1 pixel per occurrence of the colour with most frequently occurring at top left, less frequent bottom right. The most frequently occurring colours are white-ish
(Above created by createSortedTopColourPNG.rb)
There were 245736 colours in total in the 150x150 thumbnails from Vancouver Instagram 2014. The top 10 colours and their frequencies are:
Total number of colours:245736
- 16777215, 8010
- 16711422, 6894
- 16710911, 3861
- 16515071, 3734
- 16252927, 3229
- 16776703, 2926,
- 16776191, 2719
- 16711161, 2390
- 16711163, 2154
- 16187135, 2114