Curly Bracket inconsistency in Mongod DB aggregation?!?
Why is a curly bracket required before the “$divide” in the following? Is it because of the square bracket? Is it because of a mongodb bug?
red_green_blue_divide_by_100_and_pow = {
'$project' =>
"red_pow" => { "$pow" =>
[{"$divide" => ["$", 255.0]}, 2.2]},
"green_pow" => { "$pow" => [
{"$divide" => ["$", 255.0]}, 2.2]},
"blue_pow" => { "$pow" => [
{"$divide" => ["$", 255.0]}, 2.2]}
But not before the “$pow” in the following:
red_green_blue_float_avg = {
'$project' =>
"_id" => 0,
"red_float_avg" => {
"$multiply" =>
[255.0, "$pow" => ["$red_linear_avg", 1.0/2.2]]},
"green_float_avg" => {
"$multiply" =>
[255.0, "$pow" => ["$green_linear_avg", 1.0/2.2]]},
"blue_float_avg" => {
"$multiply" =>
[255.0, "$pow" => ["$blue_linear_avg", 1.0/2.2]]}