Animated GIF of first 360 photos average colour flickr 2004
Following on from yesterday’s thrilling post :-)
- Here are the magic commands (full details) to make the animated gif:
ls -1 000*.png >roland-1st360-flickr-average-colour.txt
./convert-create-composite-gifs-from-file-list.rb roland-1st360-flickr-average-colour.txt
gm convert -loop 50 -delay 10 -scale 256x256 convert-composite*.png convert-composite256-first360-flickr-roland-2004-12-avgcolour.gif
- Why
-scale 256x256
? To limit the file size to 256 so it can fit in Twitter’s 15MB limit - Pomax writes: neat! can you make the edges opacity-faded so it blends? Anybody know how to do that in imagemagick? If so email me: roland at or tweet @rtanglao