Mark Busse's Vancouver creative angst Part 4 - We are all "creative people"!
Does Vancouver drive away more creative people than it attracts? Affordability aside, what other factors influence this issue? In particular, what are the forces that draw people here? Where does the potential lie?
Read this first:
- part 1 on my bubbles, what bubbles do you live in?
- part 2 - affordability anecdotes
- part 3 - We should step outside our bubble and work with indigenous folks on this and every other important issue like Global Warming.
Again, I don’t know how to answer this question but I know that the answer cannot be complete without considering why we have some people who are “creative people” and some who feel they are not.
Who are “creative people” anyway? I think every single one of us is born creative (just look at any kid who’s 5 years old or less); it’s just drummed out of us. As adults, we can’t think differently, we can’t make creative stuff of any sort. Conform!
That’s the pressure of society.
And for years conforming and doing “non creative stuff” for money without even thinking about creating has worked for many people.
I believe that we are all happier if we create art/stuff/whatever you want to call it :-).
I believe that if we can make the transition without killing ourselves from a wasteful destroying society based on some people “winning” and most people losing to a clean energy society that doesn’t harm the planet then we will have plenty of time to be “creative”.
Do you agree that all people are “creative people”?