"At work with Ulysses I rarely hold presentations – we’re a small team, so it’s mostly easy to stay up-to-date with everyone’s projects without extensive meetings. For the rare occasions I need to prepare presentations, I happily rely on Deckset. I simply take down some bullet points in Ulysses and turn them into pretty slides with Deckset in a breeze. Deckset does the layout work for me, and I don’t have to fiddle around with Keynote or PowerPoint. It’s super fast and easy, especially if you’re familiar with Markdown (which you are, since you’re a Ulysses user).
Deckset turns Markdown files into presentations and works great with your favorite text editor – that is, of course, Ulysses! In the following tutorial, you’ll learn all you need to know to make both apps play together nicely. If you want, you can download Deckset’s trial version and a sample presentation for your first attempts."
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