$CDN 300/year for secure, up to date iPhone, $CDN 450/year for secure, up to date Android phone - Apple wins on cost which is unbelievable
- Every 2 years $CDN900 for a Pixel w/latest Android + security updates OR every 3 years $CDN900 for iPhone w/latest iOS + security updates?
- From Google specifies Pixel and Nexus end of support dates and Check & update your Android version
Pixel No guaranteed Android version updates after: October 2018
No guaranteed security updates after: October 2019
- The math: $CDN 900 for the Pixel / 2 years = $450 / year
- Sad face that one of the world’s richest corporations can’t bothered to sell you a phone that is up to date and secure for more than 2 years.
- I wish that the rest of Android gave you 3 years like Apple but they are even worse e.g. S*msung