R - Group_by() and tally() error message: Grouping rowwise data frame strips rowwise nature
sept072017_colourname_n <-
sept042017_int_colour_ig_van_june2016_average_colour %>%
+roup_by(colourname ) %>%
Error message:
Using `n` as weighting variable
Warning message:
Grouping rowwise data frame strips rowwise nature
- Why? The result is fine!
> sept072017_colourname_n
# A tibble: 173 x 2
colourname nn
<chr> <int>
1 aquamarine3 2043
2 aquamarine4 19617
3 azure2 100
4 azure3 3114
5 azure4 35912
6 bisque3 706
7 bisque4 11893
8 black 36
9 brown 6392
10 brown3 725
# ... with 163 more rows