- Got the Oreo aka Android 8 update for my Note 8 on April 3, 2018
- 6 months after Pixel devices and 2 weeks after S*msung S8, Oreo update aka Android 8 finally comes out for the Note 8
- Unacceptably long 6 month delay and it seems silly that the Note 8 last year’s flag ship gets it after the S8 which is one step down in terms of flagships. Thanks not thanks S*msung and F*do.
- For a $USD 1000 phone like the S*msung Note 8 what would be an acceptable delay? 1 month? 2 months? Certainly not 6 months!
- And finally what is an acceptable delay for a previous year flagship for monthly Google Android security patches? 1 week, 2 weeks? 3 weeks? The average delay for the Note 8 has been over one month which is too long!
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