Variety, a tool to traverse mongodb i.e. reverse engineer schemas
- Variety, is an excellent tool (yay open source developers scratching an itch :-) !) to traverse mongodb i.e. reverse engineer schemas (found via Stack Overflow: Get names of all keys in the collection )
- Sample usage and output:
mongo ff62questions --eval "var collection = 'questions', maxDepth=1, lastValue = true" variety.js
| key | types | occurrences | percents | lastValue |
| ------------------- | ------------------------ | ----------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _id | ObjectId | 1866 | 100.0 | 5baf13e01cb741f05c219400 |
| answers | Array | 1866 | 100.0 | [Array] |
| content | String | 1866 | 100.0 | <p>Desktop computer. Now no browser. ????
</p> |
| created | Date | 1866 | 100.0 | 1537910207000 |
| creator | Object | 1866 | 100.0 | [Object] |
| id | Number | 1866 | 100.0 | 1235288 |
| involved | Array | 1866 | 100.0 | [Array] |
| is_archived | Boolean | 1866 | 100.0 | false |
| is_locked | Boolean | 1866 | 100.0 | false |
| is_solved | Boolean | 1866 | 100.0 | false |
| is_spam | Boolean | 1866 | 100.0 | false |
| is_taken | Boolean | 1866 | 100.0 | false |
| last_answer | null (152),Number (1714) | 1866 | 100.0 | [null] |
| locale | String | 1866 | 100.0 | en-US |
| metadata | Array | 1866 | 100.0 | [Array] |
| num_answers | Number | 1866 | 100.0 | [Number] |
| num_votes | Number | 1866 | 100.0 | 1 |
| num_votes_past_week | Number | 1866 | 100.0 | 1 |
| product | String | 1866 | 100.0 | firefox |
| solution | null (1412),Number (454) | 1866 | 100.0 | [null] |
| solved_by | null (1412),Object (454) | 1866 | 100.0 | [null] |
| tags | Array | 1866 | 100.0 | [Array] |
| taken_by | null | 1866 | 100.0 | [null] |
| taken_until | null | 1866 | 100.0 | [null] |
| title | String | 1866 | 100.0 | Been getting update message for a while now. I always choose update but apparently its not updating. Now Firefox won't come up at all. I need help!! |
| topic | String | 1866 | 100.0 | basic-browsing-firefox |
| updated | String | 1866 | 100.0 | 2018-09-25T21:16:47Z |
| updated_by | null (1722),Object (144) | 1866 | 100.0 | [null] |