
  • From September 11, 2016, the important things in the gm montage or equivalently the imagemagick montage comnand are:
    • -adjoin leaves no spaces
    • -tile 7x6 arranges the images in 7 columns by 6 rows
    • +shadow means no shadow
    • +label means no label
    • -geometry '1023x684+0+0<' means 1024 x 768 ? is this a bug? should it be 768 instead of 684?
    • null: is a placeholder blank image to pad out the first and last rows

24 squares per day

  1. cd /Users/rtanglao/Dropbox/GIT/2016-r-rtgram/JANUARY2016/24SQUARES-PER-DAY
  2. parallel Rscript ../../twenty-four-square-pie-chart-from-csv.R '{}' ::: ../??-january2016-ig-van-avgcolour-id-mf-month-day-daynum-unixtime-hour.csv
  3. mkdir TRIMMED
  4. parallel convert -trim '{}' 'TRIMMED/{}' ::: *.png
  5. cd TRIMMED
  6. ls -1 *.png >31pngs.txt
  7. gm montage -verbose -adjoin -tile 7x6 +frame +shadow +label -adjoin -geometry '1023x684+0+0<' null: null: null: null: null: @31pngs.txt null: null: null: null: null: null: ig-van-2016-one-top-colour-square-per-hour-01-31january2016-square-piechart.png

Here’s how the 24 squares per day looks!


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