How I made Art of Where Tights from Berlin photos
- Through a long and labourious process :-)
- Actually it’s just a mashup of what came before :-) (white kennedy space center tights, 5x5 patches from KSC which turned out to impractical so we went with 100x100). The following is a modified version of
- Here’s how it looks:
16february2020 tights
- 1. create circular thumbnails
mlr --csv --implicit-csv-header --headerless-csv-output \
cut -f 1 black-berlin-january2020.txt > just-black-files-berlin-january2020.txt
cat just-black-files-berlin-january2020.txt | \
parallel magick '{}' -vignette 0x0+0+0 'BLACK_CIRCULAR/{/}'
- 2. make artofwhere graphic
- 3400 / 75 px = 46 rows one way i.e. “horizontally”
- 6400 / 75 px = 86 rows the other way “vertically”
- 46 * 86 = 3956 circular thumbnails
ls -1 *.jpg | shuf -n 3825 > right-leg-shuffled-3825-black-jpgs.txt
ls -1 *.jpg | shuf -n 3825 > left-leg-shuffled-3825-black-jpgs.txt
montage -verbose -adjoin -tile 45x85 +frame +shadow +label -adjoin \
-geometry '75x75+0+0<' @right-leg-shuffled-3825-black-jpgs.txt \
montage -verbose -adjoin -tile 45x85 +frame +shadow +label -adjoin \
-geometry '75x75+0+0<' @left-leg-shuffled-3825-black-jpgs.txt \
15february2020 get average color of patches
- 1. get average color
a) first get filenames of the patches
ls -d /home/rtanglao/GIT/rt-berlin-january-2020/75PX_BY_75PX_PATCHES/*.jpg \
> berlin_jan2020_75x75_jpg_filenames.txt
b) then get average color of the patches
cat berlin_jan2020_75x75_jpg_filenames.txt | \
../print-file-colorname-hex-color.rb > berlin_jan2020_file_colorname_hexcolor.csv
c) to get an idea of the number of each colour, cut out the’file’ field which is unique
mlr --csv cut -x -f 'file' *.csv | more
grep black berlin_jan2020_file_colorname_hexcolor.csv > black-berlin-january2020.txt
grep red berlin_jan2020_file_colorname_hexcolor.csv > red-berlin-january2020.txt
grep green berlin_jan2020_file_colorname_hexcolor.csv > gren-berlin-january2020.txt
grep blue berlin_jan2020_file_colorname_hexcolor.csv > blue-berlin-january2020.txt
d) create a file with just the red filenames, no colour or hex colour fields
mlr --csv --implicit-csv-header --headerless-csv-output \
cut -f 1 black-berlin-january2020.txt > just-blackfiles-berlin-january2020.txt
e) make black circular thumbnails
cat just-red-files-berlin-january2020.txt | \
parallel magick '{}' -vignette 0x0+0+0 'BLACK_CIRCULAR/{/}'
- 1. how to crop an image to 75x75
- 2000, 2000 is the offset from top left (gleaned from How to crop an image using imagemagick from the command line?)
replacesconvert -crop
in imagemagick 7
magick dsc_3671_49469147273_o.jpg -crop 75x75+2000+2000 +repage croptest.jpg
2. use pixel_x_dimension and pixel_y_dimension from get width and height
3. use this file list:
ls -d /mnt/c/Users/rtang/Pictures/23-31JANUARY2020-BERLIN-ALL_HANDS/*.jpg > berlin_jpg_filenames.txt
- 4. Create CSV file with max x and max y for 75 pixel by 75 pixel
/print-file-width-length-max75-x-max75-y.rb berlin_jpg_filenames.txt > berlin-75px-75px-max-x-maxy.txt
- 5. Create 1000 75px by 75 px patches. Maybe do 1000 at a time for a total of 10,000 <— I actually did approximately 20,000
mkdir 75PX_BY_75PX_PATCHES
cd !$
../create-75px-75px-patches.rb ../berlin-75px-75px-max-x-maxy.txt 1000
../create-75px-75px-patches.rb ../berlin-75px-75px-max-x-maxy.txt 9000
../create-75px-75px-patches.rb ../berlin-75px-75px-max-x-maxy.txt 1000