- “I think it is even impossible to hide behind fancy words, or even freeze-dried reporting, the longer you sustain a personal blog. Through the years your blog will always reflect who you are, as your interests move with your own life and experiences, regardless whether you chose to limit yourself to non-personal topics and interests. It is
very hard impossible to portray yourself as anything other than you over the course of many years, or not have your self be revealed through your writing during that time. “ <— from Ton Zijlstra: Your Blog is Your Avatar
- Amen!
- This particular blog dates only from 2004 on but I’ve been blogging since 1999 (starting with Radio UserLand which is where I blogged lots of links back in 99 but that has been replaced by Twitter, Pinboard and even checkvist).
- I have far too many interests that I’ve blogged about on many many blogs over the year but definitely eating :-) (VanEats.com 2000-2008) is one of them and as well as knowledge management, open source (drupal, bryght) helping folks with software and dabbling in programming in the small as I have since 1977 when I was 13.
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