R and ggplot2 barcode (pink: Windows, blue: macOS, green:Linux, purple: unknown/other) of Firefox questions by hour arranged in a 2x12 collage makes an interesting graphic, what if I did that for all of 2020?
Please refer to my previous post: R and ggplot2 barcode of Firefox questions using no for loop - more optimizations, case…when, map2 and how it works
I took no-for-loop-ff-question-barcode.R and made an hourly version that takes as an input the daily question file and the hour (0-23) and called it, hourly-ff-question-barcode.R and here is the code:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
colours_array <- colours()
getOSColour <- function(.x) {
str_detect(.x, "mac-os|os-x|osx|macos") ~ "blue",
str_detect(.x, "linux|ubuntu|redhat|debian") ~ "green",
str_detect(.x, "windows-7|windows-8|windows-10") ~ "hotpink",
TRUE ~ "purple")
initial.options <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
file.arg.name <- "--file="
script.name <- sub(file.arg.name, "", initial.options[grep(file.arg.name, initial.options)])
script.basename <- dirname(script.name)
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
year = as.integer(args[1])
month = as.integer(args[2])
day = as.integer(args[3])
hour = as.integer(args[4])
## Default setting when no arguments passed
if (length(args) < 4) {
args <- c("--help")
} else {
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23 ||
year < 2010 ||
month < 0 || month > 12) {
args <- c("--help")
if ("--help" %in% args) {
hour (0-23)
--help - print this text
cat(paste("Rscript", script.name, "2020 10 20 23\n\n"))
q(save = "no")
main <- function() {
filename <- sprintf(
year, month, day, year, month, day)
csv <- read_csv(filename)
# data frame needs to be in ascending order instead of descending
reverse_csv <- csv %>% map_df(rev)
csv_time <- reverse_csv %>%
mutate(created_time = parse_date_time(created, orders = "ymdHMSz"))
csv_tt <- as_tbl_time(csv_time, index = created_time)
time_filter_str <- paste0(args[1], "-", args[2], "-", args[3], " ", args[4])
hourly_csv <- csv_tt %>%
filter_time(time_filter_str ~ time_filter_str)
length <- nrow(hourly_csv)
options(tibble.width = Inf)
xintercept <- seq.int(by = 10,
length = length * 2,
from = 0)
size <- rep(c(4, 2), length = length * 2)
os_colours_vector <- map_chr(hourly_csv$tags, getOSColour)
question_colours_vector <- map2_chr(hourly_csv$title,
~ {
colours_array[(abs(digest::digest2int(paste(.x, .y))) %% 657) + 1]
colours_vector <-
c(rbind(os_colours_vector, question_colours_vector))
p <- ggplot() + theme_void()
p <- p + geom_vline(col = colours_vector,
xintercept = xintercept,
size = size)
png_filename <- sprintf(
hour, year, month, day, year, month, day)
ggsave(png_filename, p, width = 3.555555556, height = 3.555555556,
dpi = 72, limitsize = FALSE) # 3.555555556 = 256/72dpi
- Then I ran it for all 24 hours of October 20, 2020 as follows:
for h in {0..23} do Rscript ../hourly-ff-question-barcode.R 2020 10 20 $h done
- This produced these files (see 20october2020hour-files.txt):
hour-00-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-01-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-02-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-03-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-04-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-05-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-06-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-07-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-08-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-09-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-10-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-11-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-12-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-13-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-14-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-15-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-16-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-17-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-18-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-19-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-20-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-21-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-22-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png hour-23-2020-10-20-firefox-desktop-all-locales.png
Which I then collaged/montaged into 2x12: row 1 is 0-12, row 2 is 13-23 as follows:
magick montage -verbose -adjoin -tile 12x2 +frame +shadow +label -adjoin -geometry "256x256+0+0<" @20october2020hour-files.txt 20october2020-ff-questions-by-hour.png
- Which results in the following output:
This would make a super cool graphic for tshirts and what not if I ran it for all 365 days of 2020 right?
Or even 2019?