Jeremiah Owyang-The Future of Social Audio: Startups, Roadmap, Business Models, and a Forecast <- will audio rival video by the end of 2020s? I don't think so but I'd love to be proven wrong since the human voice is amazing
- Jeremiah Owyang: The Future of Social Audio: Startups, Roadmap, Business Models, and a Forecast <– “I call this the “Goldilocks” medium for the 2020s: Text is not enough, and video is too much; social audio is just right. It represents the opportunity for social connection and empathy without the downsides of video”
- I am not 100% convinced but hey we have so many really bad videos now including mine :-) so why not a world of bad but fun audio :-) after all There’s nothing special about voice or podcasts, everybody should be able to publish what they: voice, audio, text, video whatever whenever they want to whomever they want
- Good audio quality used to be hard to capture but maybe not anymore with the rise of AirPods and other high quality bluetooth headsets!?!?
- And I don’t see the incentive; show me the money :-). What is the YouTube of audio? What is the TikTok of audio? Is it Clubhouse? Is it Not convinced but I am a gr*mpy old person who’s been podcasting since 2004 so what do I know.
- Gratuitous plug :-) : check out my “podcast” at