My 2019 and 2020 flickr data now available as a 2 table SQLite database. Next step:datasette real soon now :-)
Previously and for more context:
- How To retrieve flickr photos meta data in a 2021 Stylee! Been doing this since September 2010! Now with Ruby 3.0 ‘except’
- Everything in SQLite and Datasette and perhaps Glitch
- HowTo: Datasette on Glitch for Firefox Desktop support questions January 1 to May 25, 2020
First, I created a two table SQLite database using Simon Willison’s csvs-to-sqlite
- one table for
and one table for2020-roland-flickr-metadata.csv
csvs-to-sqlite *.csv -dt datetaken -dt dateupload \
-dt lastupdate roland2019-2020.db
Then, I uploaded it to Dropbox because at 67 Megabytes it’s too large for github
- here is the home of the file on Dropbox:
- I think a 1 table version that includes 2019 and 2020 in 1 table instead of two is probably better? so making that next