2.9 times as many photos in 2020 versus 2019: Due to wordwrap/end of line issues, i took less photos than i thought :-)
- 2.9 times as many photos in 2020 compared to 2019 (36911/12638 = 2.9)
roland@Rolands-MacBook-Air THUMBS_75X75 % mlr --csv cut -f id,datetaken,url_sq \
../../files_too_big_for_github_rt-flickr-sqlite-csv/2020-and-2019-roland-flickr-metadata.csv > /tmp/url_sq.txt
roland@Rolands-MacBook-Air THUMBS_75X75 % grep 2020- /tmp/url_sq.txt| wc -l
roland@Rolands-MacBook-Air THUMBS_75X75 % grep 2019- /tmp/url_sq.txt| wc -l
- demonstrates how to cut fields out of a CSV file using
- Previously wrong :-) on twitter: I took triple the # of photos in 2020 compared to 2019! “Shutter Therapy” indeed!