• Why do I need two extra three byte values to make a 222x222 png using imagemagick ?
  • Again :-) I don’t understand why since 222*222 = 49,284 so I shouldn’t need 49,286 three byte colour values right? Just 49,284 should be sufficient. What am I missing?
  • Perhaps 64 bit boundary? Or little endian? big endian?
    % { printf "P6\n%d %d\n255\n" 222 222 ; \
    cat 1st-49284-2020-2019-roland-flickr-average-colours.rgb} \
    | magick  - image88.png
    magick: unable to read image data\
    magick-2mCuD6a8H66a7qb5_WpeXHJ3uph3P9pv' @\
    % { printf "P6\n%d %d\n255\n" 222 222 ; \
    cat 1st-49286-2020-2019-roland-flickr-average-colours.rgb} \
    | magick  - image88.png
    % # no error message i.e. it works!
  • And why didn’t this surface in 2016’s blog post about this: How to make a PNG file from an RGB file of ASCII Hex Colours made using xxd
  • And yes I am totally over-analyzing this :-) !

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