On the benefits of sharing your work Composer and performer Kamala Sankaram discusses creating your own path and the diversity of opera! (I love opera!)
Discovered: May 18, 2021. On the benefits of sharing your work Composer and performer Kamala Sankaram discusses creating your own path “Most people in America have never heard an opera, so there’s 100 years of opera being made in America that’s out there to discover. We tend to think of the old Italian and German pieces, but then America had what has been called a Golden Age of Opera, especially in the last 20 years or so. There’s a lot of great work being done in New York, there’s a festival called Prototype that has new pieces every year that are pushing the boundaries of what opera can be.
Some of the composers that have come out of Prototype are David T. Little, Missy Mazzoli, Ellen Reid. There’s, of course, people who’ve been around forever, like Anthony Davis, who just won the Pulitzer last year for his opera Central Park Five.
He has an opera from the ’80s called Malcolm X that’s just amazing. It’s going to get more productions now, but it’s really great and there’s a good recording of it out there, too. Right now, people are especially influenced by putting people on stage who haven’t been there by representing social justice issues, borrowing from popular music, jazz. There’s an opera that came out a few years ago called We Shall Not Be Moved, it’s got a lot of hip hop in it and the choreography is by Bill T. Jones.
There are too many people to name everybody, but there’s something for everybody out there.” <– opera is universal i agree!