- (All) DNS Resource Records <– doesn’t have ALIAS records?!?
- Apparently, ALIAS records are a non standard way to alias apex domains.
- CloudFlare calls this
CNAME flattening
. See 2014 blog post: Introducing CNAME Flattening: RFC-Compliant CNAMEs at a Domain’s Root: Traditionally, the root record of a domain needed to point to an IP address (known as an A -- for "address" -- Record). While it may not seem like a big deal, tying a service to an IP address can be extremely limiting.
- Azure DNS alias records overview:
As described previously, CNAME records aren't supported at the zone apex. You can’t use a CNAME record to point contoso.com to your CDN endpoint. Instead, you can use an alias record to point the zone apex to a CDN endpoint directly.
- AWS Route 53 Choosing between alias and non-alias records:
You can't create a CNAME record that has the same name as the hosted zone (the zone apex). This is true both for hosted zones for domain names (example.com) and for hosted zones for subdomains (zenith.example.com).
- Namecheap: How to create an ALIAS record
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