DIY Air Filters For Classrooms? Experts Are Enthusiastic — And A Citizen Scientist Makes It Easy <--- we are all epidemiologists e12ts:-) now via this tweet: Great article with Dean Richard Corsi @CorsIAQ on how to build a cheap, effective air purifier. Included are instructions on how to build an air purifier yourself. <-- not sure this will be the most effective but I bet something cheap and cheerful like this will work well!
Discovered Aug 19, 2021.DIY Air Filters For Classrooms? Experts Are Enthusiastic — And A Citizen Scientist Makes It Easy <— we are all epidemiologists e12ts:-) now via this tweet: Great article with Dean Richard Corsi @CorsIAQ on how to build a cheap, effective air purifier. Included are instructions on how to build an air purifier yourself. <– not sure this will be the most effective but I bet something cheap and cheerful like this will work well!
- June 8, 2021Got my 2nd dose of the Astra Zeneca Covid 19 vaccine today. Go science go!
- Three weeks since my first dose of the Astra Zeneca Covid 19 vaccine and I feel fine!
- Got my first dose of the Astra Zeneca Covid 19 vaccine today. Go science go!
- Nicholson Baker: The Lab-Leak Hypothesis (COVID leaked out of a lab?!?) <– still not convinced!
- Life during the Pandemic #3. @dale42 Tests Negative For COVID-19
- How To: Fact Check the corona virus aka Covid-19 crisis
- March 23, 2020 Kieran Healy: Get Your Epidemiology from Epidemiologists <— awesome documented R code