API change? woe_id is now woeid?
- It appears the flickr search api has changed
- The official API docs say
- And that is what I had working 12 years ago in this gist
search_url = "/services/rest/?"+api_key+ "&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&content_type="+content_type+ "&tags="+tags+"&woe_id="+woe_id+"&per_page="+per_page+"&user_id="+user_id+ "&extras="+extras+"&max_taken_date="+max_taken_date+"&page="+page.to_s
no longer works instead you have to use it without the underscore i.e.woeid
- From funwithtarry/…/gastown-backup-revolvercoffee-by-date.rb
url_params = {:method => "", :api_key => api_key, :format => "json", :nojsoncallback => "1", :woeid => "26332810", # gastown :content_type => "7", # all: photos, videos, etc :per_page => "250", :extras => extras_str, :sort => "date-taken-asc", :page => page.to_s, :min_taken_date => min_taken_date.to_i.to_s, :max_taken_date => max_taken_date.to_i.to_s, :tags => "revolvercoffee" }
- Previously:
- October 2017 a post with Chinatown and Strathcona woeids: Trying to fix Chinatown map that is only two points by removing outlier points that are in the Chinatown woeid that’s a subclass of Strathcona
- September 2017: (sadly YQL was decommissioned sometime between 2017and 2022): Trying out YQL and flickr API for Vancouver Latitude and Longitude -> WOEID-> neighborhood name e.g. ‘West End’