Paul Virilio: Inventing the Shipwreck - what future disasters are inherent in today's technologies? (e.g. the shipwreck was inherent in the invention of the ship)
Discovered Jan 13, 2022.22:36 Inventing the Shipwreck <— “The work of Paul Virilio urges us to ask: What future disasters inhere in today’s technologies?” <– Speed and Politics from 1977 sounds amazing
Unless we are deliberately forgetting the invention of the shipwreck in the invention of the ship or the rail accident in the advent of the train, we need to examine the hidden face of new technologies, before that face reveals itself in spite of us.
Few things reveal the extent of our reliance on a particular technology quite like having that piece of technology suddenly and unexpectedly stop working. And though our days are punctuated by small and mildly annoying malfunctions, there is always the risk of more serious technological breakdowns, the sort that can truly turn our world upside down: the plane that crashes, the ship that gets stuck in the canal, the web platform outage that leaves us unsure how to communicate with the people we care about, or the power plant that melts down.