Pearl Leff: In Praise of Memorization <-- YES I mostly agree AND instead of memorization I would say deeply learning something (which often involves some sort of memorization) and then writing it down, filing in a place you can remember and then forgetting it :-)
- Discovered Apr 13, 2022. 20:33 In Praise of Memorization <–
Chances are, you won't naturally remember all these facts, and that's where the
memorization comes in.
To paraphrase a saying that LessWrong readers will recognize, your map is not
the territory. Your job is to add as many features to your map as you can to make
it resemble the territory as closely as possible. The more detailed the features
on your map, the closer you will be to having an accurate idea of the territory.
- Is it true that true
knowledge accumulation
only comes from memorization? Perhaps it’s better to say it comes from applying the knowledge?!? I believe in deeply learning something and then writing it down, filing in a place you can remember and then forgetting it :-) #ymmv - Previously:
- Hmmm I thought I had a post on Simon Wardley’s maps concept??!?