Free hosting from for profit companies like Heroku, Slack etc doesn't work. Don't depend on it! Only viable long term solution is for the UN Black Helicopters :-) i.e. the government needs to offer hosting
- My tweet about free doesn’t last forever (but to be fair H*roku’s free lasted 15 years)!:
i'm biased obvs so i won't comment on Sl*ck or H*roku but eventually you have to pay for free stuff. So if you can, it's better to use free open source stuff from day 1 since FOSS stuff almost always offers an export path from day 1 even if the FOSS stuff is harder at the start.
- My tweet about free hosting should be offered by the government:
Get off my lawn "incomprehensible to oldsters like me" "dyno pricing model" :-) I feel and am probably wrong as always :-) that governments and educational institutions should run "simple" :-) free hosting for open source and small hobby projects.
- Probably won’t happen but I can dream can’t I?
- Previously: April 2017: How to deploy mastodon on heroku - use the deploy button?!? which had the following “great” :-) quotes
I still don’t understand Heroku’s pricing model.
- Official docs which state you can’t do reply mastodon on free dynos:
Running on Heroku's hobby Dynos and free add-on tiers has limited testing purposes and is not recommended in production.