imagemagick montage issues on macOS and WSL
Discovered: Oct 12, 2022. 20:09 imagemagick montage issues on macOS and WSL <– both the following seem to work and give the same error on WSL (maybe it works on macOS?!? because of WSL font problems?):
montage: unable to read font
helvetica’ @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1616.`- ` ~/bin/magick montage ‘*.JPG[1x1]’ -tile 6x1 -strip -geometry ‘1x1+0+0’ averagecolor.png`
- ` ~/bin/magick convert ‘*.JPG’ -strip -resize 1x1 miff:- ¦ ~/bin/magick montage - -tile 6x1 -strip -geometry ‘1x1+0+0’ averagecolor.png` <– i think i trust the second version more <– works great on macO must be a WSL issue
- the following also works great on macOS:
magick montage '*.jpg[1x1]' -tile 13x1 -geometry '1x1+0+0' png:- ¦ magick - -scale 260x20 averagecolouresized.png
<– use scale not resize or the image isn’t crisp - WSL:
magick montage '/mnt/c/Users/rolan/OneDrive/Pictures/WALKING_12OCT2022/*.JPG[1x1]' -tile 15x1 -geometry '1x1+0+0' png:- ¦ magick - -scale 300x20 2022-10-12-walking-averagecolor.png