Discovered: Oct 16, 2022 10:57 Thoughts from a Not-So-Influential Educator · The Third Bit <— QUOTE: At the same time, there are several things we should stop doing, one of which is UML. Marian Petre’s award-winning “UML in Practice” analyzed why most developers don’t use it; quoting one of her subjects, “UML is to the modeling we do every day as Latin is to the language we use every day.” Mike Hoye likens it to trepanation: medical students should know why it exists, why we thought it would work, and why we now do something else, but that’s an hour, not a semester. If we are going to teach modeling, we should teach something that is both rigorous and useful: Daniel Jackson’s Software Abstractions or Hillel Wayne’s Practical TLA+ would be excellent choices. <– I like the idea of alloy i.e. a round trip-able visual specification language between prose and code and diagrams but not sure it will ever take off! maybe before i shuffle off this mortal coil :-) ?!?

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