Discovered: Dec 15, 2022 06:23 Rebroadcast: Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt on democracy, social media and how to fix America’s ‘ailing’ institutions ¦ On Point <– QUOTE: And as we talked about, I was trying to figure out, Tobias, what the hell happened? And he walked me through how some decisions made in 2009 changed everything. And so those two decisions are that Facebook added the like button across all its platforms. So now … it wasn't just engagement, wasn't just measured by whether you clicked on something. It was now you could click, click, click all day long to say what you liked.... "And that gives a much more engagement data. And then Twitter copied that, other platforms copied that. Twitter in the same year added the retweet button. And this is huge. ... By making it possible to do with one button, and then by adding the quote tweet function where you can retweet something, and add your nasty commentary or whatever commentary you want, that makes everything go much, much more viral, much more quickly. <– Perhaps unpredictable consequences of quote retweet and likes? Or perhaps it was predictable if we took the time to test and reflect which we never do in the software industry?

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