Discovered: Dec 23, 2022 21:18 Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media <– BRAVO! <– read the whole thing but here’s a juicy quote –> QUOTE: Back to Diaryland and Minnesota and grandiose usernames and thoughts that take ever so much more than 280 characters to express. That’s okay. We can do that. We know how. We’re actually really good at it. Love things and love each other. We’re good at that, too. Protect the vulnerable. Make little things. Wear electric blue eyeshadow. Take a picture of your breakfast. Overthink Twin Peaks. Get angry. Do revolutions. Find out what Buffy character you are. Don’t get cynical. Don’t lose joy. Be us. Because us is what keeps the light on when the night comes closing in. Us doesn’t have a web address. We are wherever we gather. Mastodon, Substack, Patreon, Dreamwidth, AO3, Tumblr, Discord, even the ruins of Twitter, even Facebook and Instagram and Tiktok, god help us all. Even Diaryland....It doesn’t matter. They’re just names. It doesn’t matter who owns them. Because we own ourselves and our words and the minute the jackals arrive is the same minute we put down the first new chairs in the next oasis. We make our place when we’re together. We make our magic when we connect, typing hands to typing hands....Hello, world. Come in from the cold. This will be a good place. For awhile. And then we’ll make another one....Stop buying things and start talking to each other. They’ve always known that was how they lose. –> See also How to have a good internet experience in 8 easy steps

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