Discovered: Dec 30, 2022 13:10 Maslow’s Hierarchy is Bullshit - by patty krawec <– yes i agree –> QUOTE: Because it isn’t like our society actually believes people have basic needs that must be met in order for them to be functional members of society . If they actually believed this and valued people’s contributions then physical and safety needs would be met. ... And it’s nonsense anyway. Aesthetic needs are way at the top of Maslow’s pyramid but in The Cooking Gene, Michael W Twitty points out that everything Africans and African Americans did became spun gold in the hands of others. Enslaved Africans gave the world the blues and soul food and so much more. Don’t tell me that people whose physical and safety needs were as far out of reach as theirs were did not possess knowledge or make aesthetic contributions. They were born knowing who they were. They were born into communities and through those communities they perpetuated cultural knowledge in so many different ways. All while seeking the very things that Maslow said people need before they can do anything else

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