- Back in December, I was one of the folks laid off by Element.io (see the brief mention in The Matrix Holiday Update 2022). Thanks to the fine folks at Element. It was a pleasure to work with you all!
- Where to next? No idea :-) But I’ve been super privileged to be paid to work on the Drupal, Mozilla and Matrix ecosystems. It would be fabulous to work on those ecosystems once more (always something to learn!) or to work on a different ecosystem. It would also be great to work on something that combines support with documentation and even social media (being the Chief Blogging Officer for Bryght back in 2004 was super fun) but I’m open to everything as usual :-) !
- Onwards! #Thanks #Lucky
- I’ll take a few more days off and then start my next.gig.search
- I can be reached on linkedIn: rtanglao, rolandt@gmail.com works too and you can contact me in matrix:
, also on mastodon @roland@devdilettante.com and rolandtanglao.com and flickr.com/roland
- And of course, coffee in Vancouver any time! First coffee/tea/mineral water is on me :-) I’ve said this a million times but it would be great to meet with old friends and ex-colleagues in Vancouver in real life.
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