Discovered: Jan 8, 2023. 17:18 Howard Rheingold Mind Amplifier - Can our digital tools make us smarter?<– Read the whole thing –> QUOTE: Therefore, I want to look at this new assortment of networked devices that are so essential to our lives as the tools they really are, and examine how we may use those tools to, in turn, design more humane and effective technology. Ultimately, I will explore how we can use our machines and digital media to create an informed and socially conscious form of mind- extension. The root ideas are not my original creations. Rather, by linking together the work of media historians, cognitive psychologists, and computer visionaries, I hope to provide a framework to guide our future use of machines-to-think-with. In our species’ self-interest, we need to understand the human-computer symbiosis in which we’ve become enmeshed.

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