Discovered: Feb 20, 2023 09:17 Ray Nayler: Don’t be afraid of your own depth <– the following quote is from Ray Nayler, author of “The Mountain in the Sea” –> QUOTE: Researching the book gave me an excuse to read much more deeply into biosemiotics, a field I have been particularly interested in, and to go down several other rabbit holes—especially in the studies of neurology and brain structure and what Sebastian Seung calls the connectome—the neural structure that supports thought and being. As I plunged further and further down these tunnels, what struck me the most is that we really know very little about consciousness, or thought, or any of this: the human mind is as alien to us, in many ways, as the sea floor. We have difficulty, when speaking of consciousness, in even describing it on its most basic levels. Not only do we not know how it is possible that we think and feel and are alive – we can’t even agree on the definition of “alive” or “think” or “feel.” And when it comes to things like understanding just how it is that communication works—how a weightless, non-material set of symbols can pass from one mind to another and sometimes alter the course of a whole world, but not strictly be composed of energy or matter at all—the mystery really seems impenetrable.

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