How things are made – Music for Deckchairs
Discovered: Mar 14, 2023 19:22 How things are made – Music for Deckchairs <– QUOTE: “Autumm Caines’ excellent blogs are thorough on ethics, privacy, data, and safety. Start with this one and work back….Donna Lanclos and Lawrie Phipps credit Autumm’s work and have provided candid boilerplate text for students to use when crediting the use of ChatGPT, that acknowledges “that the system was trained in part through the exploitation of precarious workers in the global south.“” –> See also Used Kenyan Workers on Less Than $2 Per Hour to Make ChatGPT Less Toxic –> and also ChatGPT and Grimm Realism and this QUOTE: And that problem – that we need to think hard about the ethics of our inventions before we let them escape our labs – that is a thinking problem and thus one in which ChatGPT is entirely powerless to help us.
from Bret Devereaux:On ChatGPT