Discovered: Aug 7, 2023 08:22 Why Women Volunteer for Tasks That Don’t Lead to Promotions <– women predominantly do the glue work, so do i :-) i love the in between stuff but it’s not promotion worthy stuff but i don’t care at this point :-) see also: Julia Ferraoli: Valuing undervalued superpowers –> QUOTE: Here’s a work scenario many of us know too well: You are in a meeting and your manager brings up a project that needs to be assigned. It’s not particularly challenging work, but it’s time-consuming, unlikely to drive revenue, and probably won’t be recognized or included in your performance evaluation. As your manager describes the project and asks for a volunteer, you and your colleagues become silent and uneasy, everyone hoping that someone else will raise their hand. The wait becomes increasingly uncomfortable. Then, finally, someone speaks up: “Okay, I’ll do it.” Our research suggests that this reluctant volunteer is more likely to be female than male. Across field and laboratory studies, we found that women volunteer for these “non-promotable” tasks more than men; that women are more frequently asked to take such tasks on; and that when asked, they are more likely to say yes.

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